Monday, April 6, 2020

Some Things Never Change Pt. 2 (An Easter Series)

As we take special time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter morning on this special site at this special time in this special company of people gathered together, I want to focus on the special message  offered immediately following Jesus' greatest ever miracle in Matthew 28:5-7. After all, it is the word of God that is most healing to a weary, lonely, or discouraged soul and unlike the ever-changing conditions around us, God’s Word never changes. That said, even seasoned believers can find themselves in some sort of stupor or state of depression that they cannot seem to shake—the mounting frustrations (economic, health, social, etc.) of this growing pandemic, the loss of a loved one, the missed opportunity, the stress of a job or lack thereof, the strife between someone you have a relationship with, etc. When I experience these humble moments, I realize that one reason for my fatigue is failing to remember the promises of God and His presence in my life. My failure is a result of me forgetting to trust God at His Word.

In a far more difficult scenario than I have ever run across, Jesus’ mother and friends following his death proved to be a collection of weary, discouraged, confusion, and grieving souls. Failing to remember what God had said and Jesus’ many predictions of his triumphant victory over death left these women sad and grieving. However, God through one of His glowing messengers would soon shake them from their own spiritual stupor in the wake of the greatest miracle ever—the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. The angel of the Lord provides supernatural encouragement and comfort to these morose matrons by means of four proclamations that I believe will also encourage us this Resurrection Sunday. For the believer, these declarations kill worry and annihilate fear and birth inspiration to face each day and I can’t wait to share them with you!


At the outset of this passage, an angel confronts the most obvious problem that the women probably had at this point. Not only had they watched their King be slaughtered and buried in the ground, but now they could not even visit the body of their beloved Savior. All things point to despair and their lack of faith seems to begin obtaining justification. Anyone brought to this point would suffer great alarm and questions. Not to mention, the presence of an angel whose appearance “was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow,” would not do much to help calm things down. However, against all natural impulses and urges, the angel boldly proclaims, “Do not be afraid!”(28:5). One might assume from this clear call that the angel believes there is no good reason for fearing at this point and yet, the situation as far as the women could observe was undeniably bleak. It is to this situation that the angels then references.

The angel knew full well why the women were upset and now stricken with overwhelming grief—Jesus had been crucified. That was the simple fact. No one could deny the horror that must have taken place before these women who loved Jesus and devoted themselves to Him throughout His ministry on earth. It was this teacher, this Healer, this Leader, this King, who had been brutally executed. Watching a crucifixion went way beyond even some of the most gory movies or video games many are familiar with today. It was a spectacle of blood, excruciating pain, and unbelievable carnage that would have been forever imprinted on the mind of any witness. Such an act coupled with a weak faith would have driven anyone to fear. This would have been especially true of those who followed the victim, prescribed to His teachings, and believed in His saving power. However, it is in the midst of this despondency that the angel proclaims “FEAR NOT!” waking these women from their discouragement, readying them to receive the remainder of his message.

I’m not sure what you thought you would hear when you came in the door. I’m not sure what pain or trouble or confusion you are going through today. I’m not sure how bad things have become or how bleak the horizon is on your life, but I am confident that what you are traveling through now could not have been any worse than what these women at Jesus’ grave had witnessed. FEAR NOT! Allow these two simple words to awaken you to the message of hope that will follow.

The angel could prohibit the fear of these women, in part, because he was glowing and really cool-looking, but also because he recognized what they had failed to realize. This leads him to his second proclamation.


After describing the passion these women had witnessed and the death they had grieved, the angel calls their attention to the empty grave, stating the arrestingly obvious detail that Jesus was no longer in His assigned burial plot. However, was this not also a cause for their concern? Was this not one of the contributing factors of their fear and discouragement? Didn’t the lack of Jesus’ body cause their alarm that fateful morning?

What these women had grown accustomed to following Jesus’ death, due to their lack of faith, was a bad case of assuming the worst. Lack of faith in a job can cause a manager to assume the worst when the boss calls for a private meeting. Lack of faith in a loved one’s health can cause a son or a daughter to panic when they get a call late at night. In the same way, the lack of faith in what Jesus said of Himself caused these women to assume the worst when His body went missing. Maybe the body was stolen, or secretly disposed of, etc. However, instead of the worst possible scenario, the most wonderful miracle took place.

Jesus had been resurrected in the proper sense of the word. He was the first to be brought back to life in an eternal and glorified sense. While people like Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, had been resuscitated, only Jesus had received His eternal and glorified body upon being brought back to life. The verbal sense of the words “has risen” suggests the completion of an activity. The resurrection validated the entirety of Jesus’ ministry, completed His redemptive office, and finished the work He had come to perform as Savior. Through His resurrection, Jesus defeated death, sin, and the world system. This act implies that those who belong to Him can necessarily conquer these elements as well. Death no longer has sting, Hell has been defeated, sin no longer is binding, Jesus had been risen! However, this should not have come as a surprise to anyone, especially the women standing speechless.
Jesus had indeed made no secret that He would die. Similarly, He dropped plenty of hints that He would also be raised.
When did He say that

Matt. 16:21-“From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.”

Matt. 17:23-“and they will kill Him, and He will be raised on the third day, and they were deeply grieved.

Matt. 20:19-“and will hand Him over to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify Him, and on the third day He will be raised up

Matt. 26:32-“But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee

Jesus time and time again desired to be taken at His Word. However, the fear and confusion of the women was constructed on weak faith—faith that believed the worst and forgot the best, faith that dwelt on the present situation and neglected to remember the hope they had for the future, faith that failed to take Jesus at His word and anticipate His resurrection.

Unfortunately, observing these women is a lot like looking in the mirror. When God does something we are astonished by or when things look bad around us we fear in large part because like these women we have failed to believe Jesus at His Word. However, in everything he said and did, in everything recorded for us in His word He gives evidence of His power over death, his love as witnessed in His death for humanity; and his saving ability as alluded to in His life and ministry. How can we trust His greatness? He IS ALIVE! The tomb is empty!!!! When the world scoffed at Jesus while on the earth and in the face of his claims yelled, like a child, PROVE IT! Jesus left a tomb empty and ignited the church!

When Jesus’ word was not enough for these women to believe ahead of time that Jesus would only remain in the tomb a few short days, the Angel aids their faith with a call to examine the evidence. He was not there! A guarded tomb with encased by a massive stone was unable to keep Jesus from leaving. Truly, while all should take Jesus at His Word concerning His life and ministry, Jesus left the tomb with plenty of evidence behind in order to prove that this crucial event actually took place.
 “There is no historic incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ.”-Brooke Foss Wescott. “No shred of evidence has yet been discovered in literary sources, epigraphy or archaeology that would disprove that the tomb in which Jesus was buried was actually empty on the morning of the 1st Easter.”-Dr. Paul L. Maier. “According to the law of legal evidence used in courts of law, there is more evidence for the historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ than for just about any other event in history.”-Dr. Simon Greenleaf, Harvard law professor.

The call of these women concerning the resurrection is the same call given to us. FEAR NOT! Why? Because we do not have to wonder where our Savior is? He is risen as He said and as can be proven without question! WONDER NOT! He has made good on what He said and proven to be the Savior He claimed of Himself. What now? What does one do with this knowledge.


The angel assumed that these women would, having learned of Jesus’ resurrection, leave that place and head elsewhere with this new information. He assumes swift movement in response to such information. No doubt these women would have had quite a spring in their step after leaving the grave site.

The theme of “going” is carried on throughout the rest of the final chapter in Matthew. The angel speaks of the going of these women to the disciples here in verse 7. Jesus speaks of “going” to the brethren in verse 10, “Do not be afraid; go…”. Finally, in the last verses of Scripture, Jesus assumes that His disciples would “go” into all of the world, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,…” (28:19).

It would appear that the natural and assumed response to Jesus’ completed work of redemption involves movement, not complacency, intentionality, not laziness, action, not inaction. 
Throughout this series we have learned the value of true, persistent prayer, and real brokenness for the world. However, these don’t mean a thing if as a result we are not going into the world for Christ as He has commanded of us in light of His resurrection.

In their going, the angel desired that they would accompany their steps with a message, “Jesus has risen from the dead!”  This was the very best part of the “good news.” Such a message would have brought comfort to the disciples mourning the loss of their Savior. This message continues to spread and bring similar comfort to believers today.

Going accompanies proclamation in all of the cases we perused throughout the remainder of Matthew’s book. Here, the women are charged to god and tell the disciples. In verse 10, Jesus calls them to go and take word to the brethren. In verse 19, Jesus calls His disciples to go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all that I commanded you,…” In each of these cases, the scope grows larger and larger.
FEAR NOT! Why? God is not dead! WONDER NOT! He has made good on His word and there are plenty of reasons to believe Him. TARRY NOT! There is message that needs to be taken to the world and unfortunately the church is treating the greatest news of all like it is old news.


In an effort to encourage these women further, the angel brings their attention to Jesus’ movement. Already, as they were encouraged to go and tell, Jesus was running ahead of them into Galilee where the disciples were. Suggesting that Jesus’ presence would precede their arrival would have brought much peace and excitement to these women as they made their way. This is the first time that Jesus’ present location is disclosed following the resurrection.

The angel then assures them that they will indeed look upon their Savior once again. Oh what a joy this would have been for Mary and her friends, who at the beginning of the day anticipated a corpse and now had learned that they would see their Savior and King alive and glorified!

Later in Matthew’s gospel Going and telling is shown to involve Jesus’ presence in much the same way. 28:10 says, “Go and take word to My brethren to leave for Galilee, and there they will see me.” Likewise, in the Great Commission, after calling them to Go and make disciples, Jesus comforts them with a promise of His presence.

Obedience to the call to go and proclaim assures God’s presence in one’s life in a special way. This is what the angel promises these women and what Jesus later promises to His disciples. In this way, neither had any cause for worry, He would be with them every step of the journey. 

The angel ends his proclamations with an appeal to his own authority. He, no doubt, was a glowing messenger from heaven charged by God himself to give this message and because of that, the women should take him at His word (although earlier we learned they had failed to extend Jesus that same courtesy). However, this time they had learned their lesson and would obey whole heartedly.

So What?

Fear Not! Wonder Not! Tarry Not! Worry Not! This is the message of the resurrection: Because Jesus is alive and not dead, those who place their trust in Him can embrace these declarations in their own lives. Praise the Lord! For those without Christ, the proclamations sound a lot different: “Fear everything because you are still of the world, keep wondering because you are still without any answers to the most difficult questions of life, tarry all you want because you are stuck in sin, and keep worrying things are very grim.” If you are living in fear, wonder, and worry, know that Jesus came, He died, and He rose, to save you and bring you the hope found in a world that will one day replace this disease-ridden, disappointing, and downright frustrating planet and the persevering strength necessary to endure this world in the meantime.

However, if you are already a believer today, how well are you articulating these declarations in your worlds and living? How well are you doing at the going and telling part of the Christian life? How great a gift we have been given through the cross! How great a Savior we have living within us because of His resurrection! What a message to proclaim and share with the whole world! If you and I want to experience God’s presence in a unique way today we need to be obedient to go and tell of Him. If we really believe our God was killed and then raised from the dead the way the Bible reveals, what is to explain our reticence? Friends, the world around us, today perhaps more than ever, needs to hear these declarations go forth and see the proof that we really believe them in the way we live. Every day for the believer needs to be lived out with the excitement and joy of resurrection Sunday! Why, because some things never change and Jesus’ victory over sin and death is one of them!

Be encouraged believer FEAR NOT! WONDER NOT! TARRY NOT! WORRY NOT! I don’t care how long this pandemic lasts or how long restrictions hold. Our Savior defeated sin and death and certainly isn’t troubled in the least by COVID-19. Do not be like those who forget the promises and God as witnessed in Jesus and become more impressed with the problems of this world than you are with Jesus’ greatest miracle. He is risen. He is risen indeed!

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