Last Sunday we were introduced to a great example of faith-- Abraham. Though Abraham was Jewish, Paul has argued that all who place their faith in God can stand to learn from him because he
placed faith in God and was justified before any Jewish traditions even
existed. Inasmuch as Abraham is a model of faith for all who believe, it stands
to reason that we should learn as much as we can from this figure. This is why
Paul goes to great lengths to describe Abraham’s faith in the remainder of
chapter 4—particularly 4:16-25. Therefore, let’s take a close look at three
final parts of Paul’s teaching on Abraham’s faith and learn what our faith
ought to look like today.
1] The Statement of
Abraham’s Faith-4:16-17
Verse 16 opens with a major transitional statement—“for this
reason.” This phrase points ahead to the program of salvation that Paul would
like for the remainder of Romans to elucidate. Having already explained how and
why people of all kinds are lost and having dispelled how NOT to be saved (works,
circumcision, the law), Paul moves on in verse 16 of chapter 4 to spell out the
nature of salvation in positive tones. I other words, now that we know what
salvation isn’t, Paul wants to move on to what it is.
Interestingly, instead of deciding to work with a different
example or analogy, Paul continues to endorse Abraham in order to make his
point. This serves to, once again, strike a chord of continuity between the
church age and the Old Testament age. Salvation by faith has been the same from
the beginning and Paul reiterates this point in verse 16 which says “For this
reason it is by faith, in order that it may be in accordance with grace, so
that the promise will be guaranteed to all the descendants, not only to those
who are of the Law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham who is
the father of us all.” As explained in 4:9-12 and then reiterated in 13-15,
Abraham, inasmuch as faith alone saved him, is the spiritual patriarch of all
who believe in God—regardless of whether or not they kept the traditions (like
circumcision) or possessed the Law (the Old Testament). Just as grace
through faith was applied to his account, so too is it applied to anyone’s
account who trust in God for salvation.
Paul supports this statement with a corresponding reference
in verse 17—“as it is written, ‘A father of many nations have I made you’) in
the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and
calls into being that which does not exist…”. This reference serves several
functions. First, it draws attention to what Abraham was asked to place faith
in initially—namely, the promise God gave him that from him would come a great
nation. Second, it demonstrates what faith in God is capable of achieving—“who
gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist” (4:17).
For Abraham and his wife Sara, faith in God resulted in the miracle birth of
Isaac from Sarah’s once barren womb. Though her womb was “dead,” God, in
response to the faith of Abraham “called into being that which did not exist”—a
God is pleased to bring life out of death and wake up that
which is barren when faith is exercised. This is what was true in Abraham’s
life and it is what Paul hoped would be true of in the lives of those in his
audience. In fact, this particular reference to God’s life-giving and
resurrection power serves as a subtle transition of focus. The power that
performed this miracle in Abraham’s life is the same power that gave life to a
dead Christ and called him forth from the tomb. This same power can be realized
in anyone’s life if he/she places faith in the God of Abraham through Jesus Christ.
Though verses 16-17 provide us with a clear statement of
Abraham’s faith, Paul has yet to really describe the shape this faith took and
how far it was really stretched.
2] The Example of
Abraham’s Faith-4:18-21
For the next four verses, Paul describes what the faith of
Abraham looked like. First, Paul reveals that Abraham’s faith held up against
hope—“in hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of
many nations according to that which had been spoken, ‘So shall your
descendants be’….” (4:18). In order to fully appreciate the acuity of Abraham’s
trust in God, one must understand the unusual situation in which he was placed.
Having lived his whole life in an obscure land, God called
Abraham to leave his family and home behind in order to follow God and start a
new nation. The only thing this now elderly man and his wife had to go on was
the promise of God!
Though, in God’s economy, Abraham’s actions were fully
insured, here, Paul is looking at this Old Testament figure’s predicament from
a worldly perspective. In a worldly sense, what Abraham did was nonsense and
hopeless. People did not leave their family or homeland on a hunch, especially
if there was no evidence that what was promised was going to happen. However, this is exactly what Abraham did! How
did he do it? By focusing more on the promises of God and less on human
convention—“according to that which was spoken, ‘so shall your descendants be.’”
Are you being asked to trust God in what looks like a
hopeless situation? Remember to be more impressed with the promises of God than
what the world says makes sense.
Not only did Abraham’s faith hold up against hope, it was
steadfast in spite of appearances—“without becoming weak in faith he
contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred
years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb” (4:19). Abraham’s trust in God did
not only defy human convention, it defied biology. Elderly men were not known
for starting nations, especially if they were wed to a barren wife. In fact, so
impractical were Abraham and Sarah’s prospects that the Bible describes the two
as “dead”—he was “as good as dead” and her womb was “dead.”
Paul cuts Abraham no favors here as he describes the plight
of this old couple. However, their desperation only serves to highlight how
strong their faith was. Against all human conventions and biological odds,
these two trusted the Lord to use them to bring a great nation into the world.
Are you being asked to trust God in spite of appearances
today? Remember, faith believes that the promises of God do not have governed
by what’s always natural or typical.
Next, Paul highlights the longevity of Abraham’s faith. Not only
did Abraham’s faith defy convention and dare to bet against appearances, it
persevered under pressure—“Yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not
waver but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,…” (4:20). The unwavering
quality of Abraham’s faith is, perhaps, most impressive when one recognizes
just how long Abraham had to wait in order to receive any indication that God’s
promises would come true. Abraham was initially promised a son and nation in
Genesis 12 while in his old homeland at the age of seventy five years old. It
wasn’t until twenty five years later in Genesis 21 that Isaac is born! During this
“long wait” Abraham’s faith did not waiver, deplete, or weaken. It grew! How?
Abraham was resting on “the promise of God” not in how fast it was being
fulfilled. In so doing, even though things seemed quiet on his end, God was
being gloried on His end.
Have you been waiting for something to happen that is
consistent with what God has disclosed in his Word? Faith rests in the promises
of God and grows in the waiting rooms of life. After all, Abraham waited 25
years for a son, Jacob waited 14 years before marrying Rachel, the Hebrews
waited 400 years to be saved from slavery and then 40 more years in a
wilderness before entering the Promised Land, the Israelites waited in exile
twice, and spent 400 years waiting for God to break his silence.
As Paul finishes his description of Abraham’s faith, he
reminds the reader of what kept Abraham trusting in spite of human convention,
appearances, and time—“and being fully assured that what God had promised, He
was able to perform” (4:21). Abraham was more impressed with the promises of
God than he was in what he heard, saw, or how long he waited! “Being fully
assured” calls to mind implicit and total trust. This is the shape that Abraham’s
faith took and it is this same kind of faith in God that Paul encourages in the
lives of those who read these words.
3] The Result of
Abraham’s Faith-4:22-25
The “therefore” in verse 22 connects the description of
Abraham’s faith with the results of Abraham’s faith. The consequence of Abraham’s
faith in God was righteousness—“Therefore, it was also credited to him as
righteousness” (4:22). Faith is awarded with the righteousness of God every
time it is placed in the right object. For Abraham, faith in God’s promise of
what was to come, resulted in his righteous standing before the Lord.
This righteous is not only required of Abraham in order to
be in a right relationship with God, it is what is required of everyone in
order to enter into a relationship with God. This is why Abraham’s faith is a
model for everyone who follows him.
This is what Paul means when he says, “Now not for his sake
only was it written that it was credited to him, but for our sake also, to whom
it will be credited,…” (4:23). In other words, Abraham lived out this example
and it was recorded by Moses in the book of Genesis so that all who come after
him might follow his lead and be justified before God in the same way—through faith!
But faith in what? For Abraham, faith was placed in the
promise of God for things to come (a great nation that would be used to bless
the world). However, as Paul concludes chapter 4, he directs his audience’s attention
to the proper destination of their faith—“as those who believe in Him who
raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, He who was delivered over because of our
transgressions, and was raised because of our justification” (4:24-25).
So What?
Jesus Christ and His completed act of redemption is the only
appropriate object of our faith. Jesus and the promise of salvation He
represents alone can provide hope against hope—even the kind of hope that defies
human convention. The promise of his resurrection is not limited to what is
expected or can be explained naturally. While we and creation wait for this
resurrection power to be realized for us, we have every reason to persevere in
faith because the promise of what is to come is as assured as the grave is
empty. Faith in Jesus and His ministry results in righteousness—the very same
righteousness that allows anyone who believes a relationship with God.
Can this kind of faith be found in your life? Is your faith
in Jesus more compelling to you than worldly conventions and what you can see?
Does your faith in Him endure as you wait for his perfect answer for your life?
Are you assured of what He has promised?
May it be said of us and our church that our faith in Jesus’
resurrection power is as hopeful, steadfast, and unwavering as Abraham’s was! If
there was ever a time when the church needed to buck against convention, it is
now. If there was ever a time when appearances were grim, it is now. If ever
there was a sense of wait upon the Lord and his direction and blessing, it is
now. These aren’t obstacles that should inhibit our faith; these are
opportunities to let our faith shine and, by proxy, glorify God!
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