This past week I read about a terrible disease that kills
from the inside out. It is a widespread harmful condition that people are born
with and some never realize they have until it is too late. While the disease
is discreet at first, eventually side-effects include behavioral changes
ranging from psychosis to anger, to lapses in judgment, in appropriate
relationships, harming oneself or other people, and death. This disease is
called sin and Paul in Romans 1-3 has done his part to diagnose the whole world
with this condition. Though the obviously lost (1:18ff) are presumed to suffer
with sin, the moral Gentile (2:1ff); and the religious Jew (2:17ff) are not immune.
Everyone has been infected with this and the only antidote is Christ. However,
before Paul can provide the antidote to the church in Rome, he must describe
the symptoms/manifestations of sin so that people might understand just how grave
their situation is. He accomplishes this in Romans 3:10-18 in which he
delineates three manifestations of depravity that require radical treatment.
I. MANIFESTATION #1: Incapable of Living Righteously-3:10-12
Paul begins his
description of the manifestations of sin by referring to the Psalms. In fact, this
entire passage is quoted from various psalms that describe the acute wickedness
of mankind. Paul is, in other words, not offering something totally new or
original. Sin is not some new illness that has just surfaced with new symptoms.
Instead, sin is an issue that has plagued mankind ever since Adam’s failure in
the garden. Therefore, the reference to the psalms serves as sobering reminder
that the problem that existed in the Old Testament, existed in Paul’s time.
However, just as people are often tempted to take their physical health for
granted, it is possible that people had forgotten how wicked they were without
God. Paul seeks to remind them of what is often ignored here in Romans 3:10-18.
“There is none
righteous, not even one” (3:10). This verse unequivocally proclaims that
righteousness doesn’t exist in mankind, even in the least bit or in the smallest
and loneliest of numbers. No one can claim immunity from the problem of sin.
All are infected with the deadly virus and in desperate need. Verses like this
illustrate the doctrine of universal depravity which simply asserts that all
are sinners and fallen short of the glory of God.
However, instead of
simply acknowledging the condition man faces, Paul moves on to describe several
reasons why this is the case.
Just as there are
several ways to catch a cold or a number of means of developing cancer, so too
are people unrighteous for different reasons.
One reason behind this
phenomenon of worldwide unrighteousness is a complete lack of understanding—“there
is none who understands” (3:11a). No is righteous because no one understands
God at all. They don’t understand Him, His Law, or His ways and therefore can’t
understand His righteousness. How could someone live up to a standard that they
do not understand?
Therefore, one reason
mankind cannot live righteously is because, left to themselves, they do not
understand God.
Another means of landing
in unrighteousness is not seeking after God. Not only does the human race not
understand God and, as a result find themselves in sin, but they don’t pursue
God on their own. The verb used here describes a continuous and ongoing pursuit
of something—lit. “there is none who is seeking for God.”
Years ago these hidden
illusion picture books were really popular. However, I didn’t particularly like
these pictures inasmuch as I could never find the hidden image. I could cross
my eyes the right way or stare at my nose just so to see what was beneath the
surface. Often, after trying for a few minutes, I’d give up and do something
else. However, on occasion, when someone told me what the hidden image was, I
was more likely to find it. This experience proved the old adage: it is hard to
look for something if you do not know what you are looking for. The same seems
to be true of those in Paul’s world and in our world. Because we do not
naturally understand God, it proves difficult for us to seek after him. We
might even ask: Why someone who doesn’t know about God, seek Him? Can we blame
them? Would you seek out something you had absolutely no knowledge or understanding
As a result these two pathogens—nobody
understands God and no one seeks after God-- Paul reveals that all men, knowingly
or not, turn aside or away from God and therefore become useless. This is how
the infection of sin presents itself. People prove they are infected with sin
when they turn aside from God, His will, and His Word and pursue/worship other
things in His place. Like an autoimmune disease that tricks the immune system into
pursuing the body rather than infection, so too does sin in the life of an
individual render him/her turned aside, manipulated, pursuing other things
rather than God. The problem is, God alone is worthy of pursuing inasmuch as He
is the only one who provide real life, hope, purpose, and joy. Money, if pursued
in God’s place brings forth greed and all kinds of issues. Family, if
worshipped instead of God will always prove insufficient unfulfilling. Success,
if exalted over the Lord will leave one exhausted and alone.
In fact, not only will
pursuing these things render an individual sick, frustrated, and anxious, these
render an individual utterly useless. The word for “useless” here also means
“perverse” or “worthless.” God cannot and will not use those who have turned
aside from Him for in doing so, they become worthless.
Evidence of their
worthlessness is witnessed in what they are capable, or better incapable of
doing—“there is no one who does good, there is not even one”(3:12b). Paul in
this point reveals that those who aren’t righteous, which is the whole world
without Christ, is incapable of doing good. Why? They neither understand God nor
seek God. As a result, they are worthless and incapable of lasting good.
II. MANIFESTATION #2: Incapable of Speaking Righteously-3:13-14
After describing how
humanity apart from Christ is unrighteous as a whole, Paul moves on to describe
how this unrighteousness is manifested in particular capacities. In Verses
13-14, Paul discusses how sin has affected mankind’s speech habits. He begins
by saying “Their throat is an open grave…” (3:13a). Paul’s powerful language suggests that the
throat of the unrighteous is a pit of death, “an open grave.” Putrid, disturbing,
and vile, this metaphor is a compelling image that demonstrates the disgusting character
of the fallen throat. The verb used here describes a continuous state of being
opened. It never closes or shuts off
from being a trap that leads to death. What
was created to be a life-giving and encouraging instrument has become a smell receptacle
for the dead.
While the throat proves
to be an open grave, the tongue continuously deceives, lies, or slanders—“with
their tongues they keep deceiving” (3:13b). The implication is that those with
this kind of tongue cannot help but deceive and join I the ranks of the father
of lies himself!
John 8:44-“You
are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He
was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own
character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Not only that, but in
identifying with the great deceiver these prove to endorse the kind of behavior
that God hates.
Proverbs 6:16-19-“There
are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to
him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart
that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness
who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
Proverbs 12:2a-“Lying
lips are an abomination to the Lord,…”
Such lying and
deception not only convicts the sinner, it proves poisonous to others—“the poison
of asps is under their lips” (3:13c). The word for “poison” here also refers to
“venom” (from a serpent) or “corrosion” (like rust). In other words, the lies
that emerge from the tongue spread a corrosive and poisonous infection to
anyone in close proximity.
However, this is not
all an unrighteous tongue is capable of. Not only are destruction, deception,
and death qualities of the fallen tongue, but so is cursing and bitterness—“whose
mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.” The mouth of those still in their
fallen state is filled to the brim, nearly overflowing, with curses and
bitterness. These come in a limitless supply of flavors including crude jokes,
gossip, blasphemy, etc.
In verses 13-14, Paul
describes one of the grossest symptoms of unrighteousness—a fallen tongue. It
slithers in stinky grave known as the mouth, spewing poisonous lies and
destructive speech to all who walk by, spreading its deadly infection.
#3: Incapable of Behaving Righteously-3:15-18
Another symptom/manifestation of unrighteousness is that
people are incapable of behaving righteously. In fact, quite the contrary—people
are given to egregious behaviors like murder. Not only are the lost Paul
addresses here capable of committing hard crimes like murder, but it isn’t far
from their repertoire of wickedness. Given the right circumstances, anyone is
capable of anything.
After all, in a moment of weakness, even David, a man after
God’s own heart committed adultery and then didn’t blink when he sent Bathsheba’s
husband to the front line of battle to be slaughtered. Moses before him, after
losing his temper, killed an Egyptian slave driver. For Samson, God’s chosen
judge, killing was a sport. Even Peter nearly killed a Roman soldier when Jesus
was arrested. As close as these were to murderous acts, so too are the wicked
that much closer to heinous and violent activities like murder.
To be sure, murder is not the only crime the unrighteous are
capable of. However, in reflecting on the worst crime—taking another life that
is made in the image of God—Paul is hoping to call to mind all crimes that fall
within the scope of the unrighteous.
Inasmuch as the unrighteous are given over to all kinds of
nefarious activities, Paul continues by saying “ Destruction and misery are in
their paths…” (3:16).
Does everyone know how to get to Valley View Mall from here?
One your way you know then that you will pass the Berglund Center and St.
Andrews on your left if you take 220 North. The path you take (220 north) not
only determines where you will end up, but what you will hit along the way.
Just as the Berglund Center and the Catholic Church are along the path leading
to valley View Mall, destruction and misery are the unrighteous take to their
ultimate demise. Like advancing through
the stages of a losing cancer battle, the unrighteous find destruction and
misery as they progress toward death and destruction.
Because they are on this highway to a literal hell, they
cannot experience the path of peace—“and the path of peace they have not known”
(3:17). They don’t know it, can’t enjoy it, and will not find it so long as
they follow the path to destruction and misery.
Likewise, because they are on the wrong path, they do not
have God before their eyes. If they did, they would understand and know the
right path and would be on it.
Andy Stanley coined a phrase that is especially poignant and
appropriate to consider here—“Your direction, not your intention will determine
your destination.” People—lost and saved alike—have all kinds of good
intentions for themselves. However, if they do not point themselves in the
right direction (have the right thing before them to guide them), they have no
guarantee of accomplishing anything.
This last phrase almost acts as a summary for the type of
behavior Paul has just finished discussing. Those who are depraved, the entire
human race from they time they are born to the time in which they are born
again have no fear of God. As such they fear other things and will perish.
So What?
Why does Paul go to great lengths to delineate the acuity of
depravity? What application can we possible draw from this topic today as
believers and as potential Christian leaders? Now that we’ve explored how man
is incapable of being righteous in his depravity, incapable of speaking
righteously and incapable of behaving righteously, I want us to all realize the
incredible transformation that has taken place in our lives as believers. God
saved us from that! Praise the Lord! Not only that, but because of this we
aren’t on a path of deception, death, or destruction, but on a path of peace,
joy, and righteousness. Oh how great a salvation we enjoy in Jesus!
However, I also
believe that this passage serves as a reminder to us all of what we’re up
against. The plague of sin is rampant and it is not pretty. Do not be fooled—sin
not only hurts, it kills. Sin is gross and ought to be cast in its truest and
most grotesque form so that we might be motivated to take the cure that is
Christ to those who are afflicted. However, one cannot offer a cure for something with any credibility if they are suffering the same symptoms. Check yourself. Are you symptom free? Or do you too show the signs of your depravity?
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