Over the past few
weeks in our study of Revelation 12-13 we’ve taken a close look at what
the Bible reveals about what is to come by means of various story-telling
elements. As every good story has good character development, so too does
Revelation in its depiction of the woman (Israel), the dragon (Satan), and the boy
(Jesus) (12:1-6). As many epics depict tension and conflict, so too did we see
a prediction of a war in heaven that will successfully expel Satan from ever
reentering that holy realm again (12:7-17). As any good adventure has a
compelling villain, we were introduced last week to a villain of epic
proportions in the emergence of the beast from the sea (Rev. 13:1-10). We
continue to trace the conventions of storytelling as we progress in our study of
the prophecy in Revelation 13:11-18 with a look at an evil sidekick. Dr.
Frankenstein had Igor, Scar had his hyenas, Bonnie had Clyde, and the beast
from the sea (Rev. 13:1-10) will have his own as well. However, what is truly
scary is that while we mostly associate popular villains and sidekicks with
works of fiction, the prophecy John gives us in this passage is sure to
actually take place in a future period of tribulation. Therefore, let’s
carefully examine four components of the sidekick’s emergence and activity as
described in Revelation 13:11-18.

1. His Emergence-13:11
following the emergence of the beast from the sea is the advent of the beast
out of the earth—“then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth” (13:11a).
As land-based monsters were viewed in the ancient world as less intimidating
than monsters from the sea, this beast will play a secondary role to villain
described earlier (Thomas, Revelation 8-22, 172).
Though this beast
plays the role of sidekick to the first beast, he appears to be just as
ferocious as he is introduced as “another beast” (or like the first). Later,
after observing the nature of his many activities, it will be clear that this
beast’s role is predominately religious in nature, indicating that he is the
coming false prophet.
The insidious nature
of this false prophet is indicated by his unique appearance mentioned in the
second half of verse 11—“and he had horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon”
(13:11b). This other beast parodies the description of Christ as the Lamb in Revelation
5:6 and sets up another example of the Dragon deceptively counterfeiting the
things of God. That said, while Christ had seven horns, this lamb only has two—indicating
his limited and/or lesser power. Also, against the first beast’s 10 horns, this
lamb only has two, reinforcing again his status as. While this sidekick appears
as a young lamb, his true nature is revealed by what proceeds out of his mouth—“and
he spoke as a dragon” (13:11b). Like many false prophets before him, this coming
false prophet will serve as an example of what Jesus warned about in Matthew
7:15—“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves.” While Jesus spoke of false prophets in the
days immediately following his ministry and in the ages thereafter in terms of wolves
in sheep’s clothing, Revelation predicts the worst false prophet of all as a
dragon in lamb’s clothing. 1 John 2:18 and 4:1-3 speak of the “many antichrists”
or false teachers that have arisen to spread heresy in the church. “This second
beast will be the ultimate ‘false prophet’ who will sum up all the others” (Osborne,
Revelation, 512). Like the Antichrist (beast from the sea) the false prophet
is an agent of the dragon that was expelled from heaven (see Revelation 12).
While the Antichrist will act and rule with the power of the dragon, the false
prophet will speak with the voice of the dragon.
2. His Activities-13:12-14
Next John reveals
the false prophet’s activities beginning with how he exercises authority—“he
exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence” (13:12a). In
other words, the power given to the beast from the sea is shared with the beast
of the land so that he can go about his wicked deeds. Interestingly, there
appears to be a close connection between the two beasts as the authority with
which the false prophet acts is said to be shared “in the presence of” the Antichrist.
It may be that the false prophet is incapable of acting independently of the
Antichrist who, in turn is being powered by the dragon. This unity, as with
many other parallels sets up an unholy trinity of sorts that counterfeits the
holy trinity of God (Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet vs. the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit).
Much like the third
member of the one true Trinity, the false prophet encourages worship. However,
while the Holy Spirit points all attention and reverence to Christ, the false
prophet encourages worship of the Antichrist—“and he makes the earth and those
who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed” (13:12b).
Once again, the great deception of the Antichrist is in view—his supposed
slaying and healing. While the Son of Man was lifted up on the cross so that
those who look upon him in faith might be saved, the False prophet will exalt
the Antichrist, after having recovered from a mortal wound, so that all who
look upon him might be deceived.
We ought not wonder
at many will be deceived so easily/quickly. In Lewis’ words, the human heart is
an idol factory. We cannot help but worship something because we were created
to worship. People everywhere, in all cultures and in all places, look for or
create things/ideas/personalities to worship. However, the only proper
destination of our worship is the one true God who created, redeemed, and will one
day glorify. Because of sin, the direction of people’s worship is often
misplaced. So too will it be here for many as people improperly direct their worship
to the beast of the sea at the beck and call of the false prophet.
One tool at the
disposal of this false prophet will be his supernatural abilities—“He performs
great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in
the presence of men” (13:13a). What does this comment make you think of? The
two witnesses mentioned earlier in chapter 11 (particularly 11:5) and Elijah with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). Think of it, what the prophets of Baal were unable
to do, this false prophet in the future will be allowed to do—call down fire out
of heaven. Such wonders will deceive those who will believe that such signs demonstrate
truthfulness and supreme power when, in reality, they betray only deception and
damnation. Like the priests of Pharaoh against the miracles of Moses, this future
false prophet will match, at least in part, the signs and wonders of the two
witnesses in the tribulation period.
John reveals that
this program of grand deception is fairly effective—"And he deceives those
who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform
in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an
image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life” (13:14).
What John describes here is eerily similar to what Jesus predicted would happen
in Matthew 24:24.
Matthew 24:24-“For false Christs and false prophets will
arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible,
even the elect.“
Culminating in the erection of an idol to be worshiped,
idolatry on the earth during this period will reach its apex. In many ways, this
program of idol worship and building a vehicle to that end is similar to what
Nebuchadnezzar tried to do in his day. In Daniel 3, the Babylonian ruler erected
a statue and demanded that it be worshiped under penalty of death. This spectacle
will repeat itself on a global level in the future tribulation period with the
false prophet leading the effort.
3. His Purpose-13:15-17
In fact, this is in
keeping with the false prophet’s purpose--“And it was given to him to give
breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even
speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed,…”
(13:15). The beast of the land exists for one thing and one thing only, the
exaltation of the beast of the sea. Whether he has to trick people into worshiping
him or threaten people to worship him, he will stop at nothing until the
propensity to worship in the hearts of men everywhere is misappropriated and
misdirected toward the Antichrist.
Please recognize,
once again, that the authority with which this beast goes about his business is
“given to him.” In fact, the same was true of the first beast (“it was also
given to him to make war”-13:7). Earlier, the rider on the white horse (probably
another picture of the coming Antichrist) had authority that was given to him
as well (6:2). This reveals that no matter how powerful these players appear to
be, they are only allowed this power temporarily by an even greater power who
is ultimately in control—the Lord God Almighty!
In addition to
tricking people to worship the beast and threatening people to that end, the false
prophet will play on human insecurity to force mankind into complacency—“And he
causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free
men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead”
(13:16). This kind of list, which includes every sub-group of humanity from the
socially unimportant to the significant appears three times in the book (6:15;
13:16; 19:18) and every time speaks of unbelievers. The purpose in each case is
to stress all humankind and reveal that neither God nor the satanic realm plays
favorites or distinguishes between the haves and have nots (Osborne, Revelation,
517). This is peer pressure and advocacy for equality to the nth
degree. Everyone who is anyone (literally) will be racing to take on this mark
after either being deceived by the signs and wonders or fearful of the consequences
if they do not comply. Such a mark will figure prominently on their person—either
on the typically dominant right hand or in the even more obvious position on
the forehead. Everyone everywhere will know to whom these mark-bearers will
belong—they will be the Antichrist’s.
Think obvious wickedness,
threats, and weird tattoos or other such markings are a bit too on the nose to
deceive people? There is an even more insidious program that the false prophet
will endorse that will be sure to draw in the nonconformist types—systematic economic
pressure—“And he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either that name of
the beast or the number of his name” (13:17). After hitting the heart, threatening
life, and playing on insecurities, the false prophet will hit the world in the
wallet. It will be impossible to buy or
sell merchandise, goods, or services, without this mark. That is sure to draw
in the spiritually weak and/or fake Christians.
Friends, the
infrastructure for such is already in place as everything goes digital. Ebay, Amazon,
and Google are already refusing to share or repost products or goods that they
don’t agree with. Twitter and Facebook/Instagram are already censoring messages
that doesn’t comport with their agenda. Make no mistake, the world is just a
few clicks away from outlawing Christianity by rendering their message un-sharable
and their goods and services impossible to find. It may not be done in the name
of censorship or to comply with an idolatrous program. It may, in fact, be put
into place under the guise of efficiency, “tolerance,” and convenience.
While economic servitude
is the last mentioned, I imagine it might be the most effective as our culture
continues to be driven by the almighty consumer. Money and the condition of the
heart are closely related. After all, the Bible makes itself very clear—“you
cannot serve God and money” and “where your treasure is there your heart will
be also” and “the love of money is the root of all evil” (Matt. 6:24; 6:21; 1 Tim.
6:10 respectively).
In all, the false
prophet will be about the business of promoting idolatry, even if it requires
the threat of death, pressuring individuals to belong to a new world system,
and placing people in economic servitude. Unfortunately, apart from the remnant
and a small group of newly converted people, he will be very effective in his
4. His Warning-13:18
The final component
to the introduction of the false prophet is the warning that accompanies his
emergence—“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number
of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred
and sixty-six” (13:18). This verse has been the victim of perhaps the most
speculation of any in the Bible as the number of the beast has literally been
linked with 100s of people from ancient Roman emperors like Nero Caeser to Mickhail
Gorbachev. It is mysterious to say the least and yet, what readers can know for
sure is that 666 serves to represent a political reality in which despotic
individuals use their power to persecute the church and oppress humanity (Wilson,
ZIBBC Vol. 4, 331).
So What?
Pretty scary stuff in store for those in the tribulation
period! And yet, what is prophesied in this passage is not too far removed from
our own experience today. We ought not be surprised that we can see glimpses of
this prophecy at work in our world at present given the New Testament’s
pervasive warnings against false teachers and false prophets.
1 John 4:1-“Dear friends, do not believe every
spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false
prophets have gone out into the world.”
2 Pet. 2:1-“But false prophets also arose among the
people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring
in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon
themselves swift destruction.”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15–“For such men are false
apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And
no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no
surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of
righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”
Romans 16:18-“For such persons do not serve our Lord
Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive
the hearts of the naive.”
Make no mistake, people are being deceived today by what
looks religious but is, in fact, satanic. People today are being pressured into
conformity either under threat of persecution or not fitting in. Forces are in
place right now that make it harder for Christians to do business and share the
message of the gospel. In the face of such, believers can’t afford to be
deceived—any person, pastor, teacher, or TV personality that does not direct
attention and glory to Jesus Christ ought to be ignored. In the face of such,
believers cannot succumb to pressure—to live is Christ and to die is gain and
your identity and satisfaction ought to come from your relationship with Jesus,
not how many friends or followers you have. In the face of such, believers cannot conform
to the world to get ahead—as God’s word reminds us: “Let us not lose heart in
doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.”
It is imperative that we not be deceived, succumb to
pressure, or conform to this world so that we might be used to point the way to
Christ for those who would rather follow and worship what is more attractive,
popular, convenient, or personally expedient all the way to their own ultimate
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